A journey of impact: How our partnership with Mother’s Without Borders is changing lives in Zambia

July 2024, 39 passionate individuals embarked on life-changing expeditions to Zambia, united by a common goal: to bring hope, safety, and education to vulnerable families and children. This journey, made possible through the ASEA Advancing Life Foundation’s partnership with Mother’s Without Borders (MWB), was not just about service—it was about witnessing the profound impact our efforts have had on countless lives.

Building a brighter future

Our work at the Children’s Resource Center (CRC) and the Carol Zulu School left an indelible mark. At the CRC, we installed a playground, bringing laughter and joy to children’s playtime. We painted two Insakas at the school, creating much-needed shaded areas for rest, and cleared the surrounding grounds of dangerous weeds, ensuring the children’s safety from snakes or other predators.

The tour of the CRC was a powerful reminder of what our collective efforts have achieved. With every step, we saw the tangible results of our donations: updated showers, a secure fence around the property, new therapy rooms, staff housing, and much more. From fruit trees to solar-powered lights, every detail was a testament to the love and care poured into this sanctuary for children.

Walking in their shoes

Our visit to the Carol Zulu School, which serves 850 children, was eye-opening. We sat in classrooms, played games, and shared meals with the children. But the most impactful part was walking home with them—a journey that can stretch up to 2.5 miles each way. These children, some as young as five, traverse busy roads and dusty trails every day, even in the rainy season when paths become treacherous. Their unwavering commitment to education, despite these challenges, was nothing short of inspiring.

Empowering women and building communities

In a rural village, we witnessed the incredible resilience of women empowered by MWB’s programs. They sang, danced, and sold handmade items, proudly supporting their families. We played soccer with the children, read books, and shared in their simple joys. The bus ride back was filled with the warmth of community, as we carried home not just purchases but also the spirit of generosity—donating chickens and vegetables to feed the children at the CRC.

Reaching out to those in need

At a day center for street children, we offered love and encouragement to young men navigating difficult lives. We played, laughed, and shared moments of connection, reminding them that they are seen and valued. At Bwafano School, located in one of Lusaka’s largest informal settlements, we helped serve lunch to over 500 children and visited homes impacted by poverty, HIV/AIDS, food scarcity, and tuberculosis. The gratitude and love we received in return were overwhelming, as we drove away to chants of “We love you!”

Stories of hope and inspiration

Each evening, we gathered to hear the stories of those whose lives have been transformed by MWB. From young students pursuing university degrees to budding entrepreneurs overcoming unimaginable odds, every tale was a testament to the power of hope and the human spirit. One evening, a talented musician serenaded us with his guitar, his voice a reminder of the beauty that can emerge from hardship.

These expeditions were more than missions—they were a profound connection to the people of Zambia and the incredible work of our foundation and Mother’s Without Borders. As we returned home, our hearts were full, knowing that together, we are making a difference, one life at a time.

Reflections from expeditioners

“It was the most life changing event of my life. These sweet children smiling and praising God in song and dance, so happy and grateful for every meal, loving all of us for coming to visit and play with them and never complaining. They are all so precious! I want to go back.”
Donnellyn Dominguez

“So grateful for the opportunity to be here with this amazing foundation, partnering with Mothers without Borders. The lives they are impacting and empowering is unimaginable. What I’ve experienced here is life changing and humbling. There is so much love and community amongst the children and the organization. All working toward a common goal. I love being a part of this. Thank you ASEA for making this possible.”
Mary Margaret Donoho

“What an amazing two weeks in Africa. Last week working with the ASEA Advancing Life foundation and Mothers without Borders. Finding pure joy in serving the children in Zambia”
Scott Aldred

“This trip to Zambia we got to experience the true meaning of UBUNTU ‘I am because we are’ and ‘humanity towards others.’ They have very little, yet they are generous and happy to share. There is true joy and happiness in their faces!”
Amy Knowland

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This is not a guarantee of any particular income. Individual results will vary. Please refer to our income disclosure statement at aseaglobal.com/opportunity/ This material is intended for a US audience only.