Amazing associates and their stories.
ASEA associates Danielle Matthews, Jerry Yerke, and Denise Kato continue to improve people’s lives.
ASEA works with our associates as we improve people’s lives and continue to be a force for good in the world. Each month we highlight a few of our associates who have excelled, both personally and professionally and have exuded one of our core values as we strengthen our mission. This month we would like to celebrate Danielle Matthews, Jerry Yerke, and Denise Kato. Together: We power potential.™
Danielle Matthews

Danielle has an incredible story that brought her to ASEA. In 2012 she was hit by a drunk driver and sustained serious injury. A year into recovery she was informed that there would be no further healing and to accept this “new normal” of life—something she refused to accept.
ASEA’s amazing redox cell signalling products found their way into her life and helped support her journey through a healthier and more positive life, and an inspiring story. Danielle wanted to show others going through challenging times that “it does get better and there is a light on the other side.”
After learning what redox had to offer and once getting her health back, Danielle decided to partner with ASEA to grow her personal and professional life. She gained confidence to lead others through her business and she discovered the power of social media for sharing her story.
In the last few months, she has begun working on a program to help people move through trauma, finishing a course in Iceland that involved ancient yogic philosophy and wisdom of mind/body connection in conjunction with techniques designed to help the body release tensions from trauma instead of holding onto it. This experience had a profound and empowering impact on her and has given her a new perspective and awareness of how to grow herself and her business.
Danielle is building the life of her dreams and ASEA provides her with a social foundation.
Jerry Yerke & Denise Kato
Jerry and Denise joined ASEA one year ago and their journey is what they most want others to hear. Jerry started his success with franchise ownership and from there found network marketing, gaining over 30 years of experience and building teams of over 100,000 worldwide.

While they met people from ASEA years ago, it wasn’t until they joined our Global Convention in Vegas last year 2022 (even virtually!) that they felt just how connected we at ASEA are to our associates, employees, and community. They had the desire to engage in the ASEA business opportunity and became distributors and from there, things progressed to a point where they felt satisfied and excited with that decision and the direction their life and business are now heading.
When asked why ASEA? Their immediate response is, “we have never seen a company where the executives know your name, your bio, your story, and you. Making it personal in a way neither of us has never experienced.” It was the little things that have motivated and impacted Jerry and Denise on their journey in life and we are thankful to be a part of it.
Check back to connect and share in other’s stories, perhaps the next one we share will be yours!
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