Powering your success with this amazing resource

There are many paths you can take to reach success. Every day, you live ASEA by using our products and transforming your health. You find ways to share ASEA by telling your family and friends about the impact our products have on your life and the potential impact it can have on theirs.* You’re constantly looking for ways to ignite ASEA by growing your team and powering your potential. With all of our recent initiatives, you might not quite know where to start.

That’s why we’ve created the Power Your Success flyer, helping you either hit the ground running if you’re a new associate, or continue to build your business using our new resources to the best of your ability.

Power Your Success: What is it?

The Power Your Success flyer is a two-page PDF that breaks down the new resources available to you while showing you ways you can use it in your everyday business. It breaks it dives deeper into our “Signal your health” video, explains the brand new Essentials Bundle, talks about the new enhanced shopping experience, and goes over new discount codes to get people through the door.

Live ASEA, share ASEA, ignite ASEA

The Power Your Success flyer breaks down ways you can live ASEA, share ASEA, and ignite ASEA with these new resources.

Live ASEA is your ASEA lifestyle, taking the products in real life, experiencing them for yourself, leading by example, and sharing your personal experience with others.

Share ASEA are ways to share these resources through the ASEA app, social media, or a phone call or text message. You can even share the new discount codes so that your friends, family, and contacts can have easier access to some of your favorite products.

Ignite ASEA takes you on another level, helping you succeed with these resources by taking the extra step. This goes beyond sharing, it’s now inviting people to do more with what they have. Not just take ASEA Redox Supplement, but track its progress. Not just share your favorite products on social media, but creating videos on how to use them, or sharing testimonials from your own experience. Ignite ASEA gives you the opportunity to power your potential.

How do you use this resource?

There are many ways you can use the Power Your Success flyer so your business can thrive.

  • Understand the resources now readily available to you. A refresher on what the resources are is a good start to using them.
  • The suggested live ASEA, share ASEA, and ignite ASEA ideas are starting points. They have checkmarks if you want to do those specific ideas, but you can also use them to create your own way of doing things.
  • QR codes give you quick access to the resources, letting you get familiar with and share them quickly.

It’s time to write your success story. The power is in your hands now. We’re here to help. With these new resources plus everything you already have at your disposal, you’re ready to write your own success story. Grab a pen and paper, grab your phone, and start taking charge. You got this!

Find the Power Your Success flyer in your Virtual Office by searching “Get Started Flyer.”